
Recent NSF Grant Recipients

Recent External Grants – Sat Gupta, Ratnasingham Shivaji, Talia Fernós and Yu-Min Chung

Sat Gupta is the PI and Xiaoli Gao the Co-PI for a 3-year (2020-2022) NSF grant ($324,000) for the Statistics REU program titled “Complex Data Analysis using Statistical and Machine Learning Tools”.

Ratnasingham Shivaji is the PI of a new 3-year (2019-2022) National Science Foundation research grant ($240,000) titled: “Collaborative Research: Mathematical and Experimental Analysis of Competitive Ecological Models: Patches, Landscapes, Stage Structure and Conditional Dispersal on the Boundary.”

Talia Fernós is the PI on a new NSF grant ($46,000) to support US-based participants in the Young Geometric Group Theory IX conference held on February 24-28, 2020 in Brittany, France.

Dr. Fernós receives a three year (2020-23) NSF grant ($283,145) for studying Boundaries and Nonpositive Curvature.

Yu-Min Chung receives a three year (2020-23) Army Research Office grant ($158,060) to study Multiparameter Persistence: An Algebraic Topological Framework for Analyzing Microstructure in Porous Media.