Igor Erovenko
Associate Head
Office: Petty 112
Personal Website:
Starting year at UNCG: 2002
Office Hours: MW 11:00 am - 12:15, and by appointment
Degree(s): Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Virginia (2002)
Fall 2024- MAT-190 LEL (Precalculus)
- MAT-310 LEC (Elementary Linear Algebra), MWF 11:00-11:50, PETT 007
- MAT-790 IND (Directed Doctoral Research)
Member of the Research Group(s): Applied Math, Group Theory, Mathematical Biology
Current Students: Gleb Gribovskii (Ph.D.)
Former Students: Liam Gilmore-Greiss
Selected Publications
D.L. Pires, I.V. Erovenko, M. Broom. Network topology and movement cost, not updating mechanism, determine the evolution of cooperation in mobile structured populations. PLoS ONE 18(8):e0289366, 2023.
- F.B. Agusto, I.V. Erovenko, A. Fulk, Q. Abu-Saymeh, D. Romero-Alvarez, J. Ponce, S. Sindi, O. Ortega, J.M. Saint Onge, A.T. Peterson. To isolate or not to isolate: The impact of changing behavior on COVID-19 transmission. BMC Public Health 22:138, 2022.
- M. Broom, I.V. Erovenko, J.T. Rowell, J. Rychtář. Models and measures of animal aggregation and dispersal. Journal of Theoretical Biology 484:110002, 2020.
- I.V. Erovenko, J. Bauer, M. Broom, K. Pattni, J. Rychtář. The effect of network topology on optimal exploration strategies and the evolution of cooperation in a mobile population. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475:20190399, 2019.
- A. Brettin, R. Rossi-Goldthorpe, K. Weishaar, I.V. Erovenko. Ebola could be eradicated through voluntary vaccination. Royal Society Open Science 5:171591, 2018.
Brief Biography
Dr. Erovenko earned a Ph.D. in 2002 from the University of Virginia and joined the UNCG faculty in 2002. His early career research focused on combinatorial properties of discrete groups, most notably the bounded generation property of arithmetic groups. His current research interests lie in the field of mathematical biology.