Undergraduate: Placement

Transfer and Placement

Students who want to take STA 108 Elementary Introduction to Probability and Statistics, MAT 120 Calculus with Business Applications, MAT 190 Precalculus, MAT 196 Calculus A, MAT 296 Calculus B, or MAT 396 Calculus C are required to meet minimum placement criteria.

★ Prerequisites can be met with coursework at UNCG

See the descriptions of MAT courses in the catalog for prerequisites.

★ Prerequisites can be met with coursework transferred from other institutions

Visit the UNCG transfer credit planner to see how your courses transfer. For more information about transfers and getting the correct transfer credit see the Transfer Credit Information page.

★ Prerequisites can be waived for students with a sufficiently high score in these tests:

Please refer to the following chart for how exam scores transfer and place.

Exam Scores Credit Placement
UNCG Statistics Readiness Diagnostic Test (SRDT) low None STA 108 with support course STA 107
UNCG Statistics Readiness Diagnostic Test (SRDT) high None STA 108
UNCG MAT 120 Placement Test (MPT) ≥ 60 None MAT 120
UNCG Calculus Readiness Diagnostic Test (CRDT) low None MAT 190
UNCG Calculus Readiness Diagnostic Test (CRDT) medium None MAT 196 with support course MAT 181
UNCG Calculus Readiness Diagnostic Test (CRDT) high None MAT 196
AP Calculus AB 1 None Based on CRDT or MPT
AP Calculus AB 2 None MAT 196 or 184 or 120
AP Calculus AB 3-5 MAT 196 MAT 296
AP Calculus BC 1 None Based on CRDT or MPT
AP Calculus BC 2 None MAT 196 or 184 or 120
AP Calculus BC 3-5 MAT 196 and MAT 296 MAT 396
AP Precalculus 3-5 MAT 190 MAT 196 or 184 or 120
AP Statistics 3 STA 108 STA 271
AP Statistics 5 STA 271 STA 301
Cambridge AS Level Mathematics ≥ C MAT 190 and MAT 196 MAT 296
CLEP Calculus ≥ 50 MAT 196 MAT 296
CLEP College Algebra ≥ 50 MAT 115 MAT 120 or based on CRDT
CLEP College Mathematics ≥ 50 MAT 112 Based on CRDT or MPT
CLEP Precalculus 50-64 MAT 115 MAT 120 or based on CRDT
CLEP Precalculus ≥ 65 MAT 190 MAT 196
IB Mathematics SL (Studies) 5 MAT 115 MAT 120 or based on CRDT
IB Mathematics SL (Methods) 5 MAT 120 MAT 196
IB Mathematics HL 4 MAT 196 MAT 296

MAT 112 Contemporary Topics in Mathematics, MAT 118 Algebra with Business Applications, and MAT 183 Mathematics for Life Sciences all satisfy the general education mathematics (quantitative reasoning) requirement and are open to all students, regardless of placement.  More information about these courses can be found here.

The MAT 120 Placement Test and the UNCG Calculus Readiness Diagnostic Test may only be taken twice per calendar year.  The UNCG Statistics Readiness Diagnostic Test may be taken three times.  The appropriate test is typically taken for the first time prior to SOAR for advising purposes and to be able to register for classes.  For more information, visit Statistics Readiness Diagnostic Test, MAT 120 Placement Test or Calculus Readiness Diagnostic Test.