Graduate: Getting Started

Prospective Graduate Students

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is a relatively small department comprised of 22 tenured and tenure-track faculty. In addition, there are academic professional, visiting assistant professors, and lecturers. Regular lecture series, colloquia and seminars keep the department vibrant and buzzing throughout the academic year.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers an MS in Applied Statistics degree program either on campus or completely online. This program requires 30 credit hours of course work at 600 – level or above. It is designed to provide students with excellent data analytics training and problem solving skills for employment in various settings such as health and insurance sectors, government agencies, and business entities.

Graduate students can apply to scholarships available in the department. Students who make satisfactory progress towards their degree can usually expect continued support throughout their program. In addition to teaching assistantships, several departmental scholarships are awarded to graduate students each year.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics also offers a graduate program of study leading to a 12 hour Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in statistics. The purpose of the certificate is to provide statistical training for persons who wish to enhance their knowledge of statistics but do not wish to pursue a formal degree, and is intended for professionals whose interests require a knowledge of statistics beyond the undergraduate level. The objective of the certificate is to offer a structured introduction to the basic ideas of graduate level statistical analysis.

The relatively small size of our department has fostered a culture of getting to know graduate students from the start. The goal of our programs is to train students for the employment they seek and, to motivate and guide them to perform beyond what is necessary.

Information about the Graduate School for Prospective Students