
UNCG is an IMA participating institution

UNCG joined the NSF funded Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota as a participating institution member.

Founded in 1982, the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) is an NSF-funded visitors’ institute that has grown to become among the most influential math institutes in the world. Located on the University of Minnesota campus, it is one of eight NSF Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes. The IMA aims to achieve synergy between mathematics and its applications, develop transformative mathematical research through interdisciplinary exploration, strengthen and broaden the workforce that confronts pressing challenges facing science and society, and effectively communicate the role of mathematics in our world. The IMA utilizes many strategies and mechanisms to realize these goals, from its annual thematic program to hot topics workshops to seminars and public lectures. The IMA is a vital component of the mathematical sciences infrastructure in the United States, and contributes to and advances the health, prosperity, and security of the nation.

For more information, kindly see: Via the institutional membership, UNCG faculty and students have greater opportunities to participate in IMA activities. For more information, kindly contact Ratnasingham Shivaji, H.Barton Excellence Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics & Statistics (email:


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