Recent Grants: Xiaoli Gao, Thomas Lewis, Dan Yasaki and Yi Zhang
Please join us in congratulating our colleagues in the Department receiving the following grants:
Xiaoli Gao secured a Simons Foundation grant (2021-26, \$42,000) and an Army Research Office grant (2021-22, \$158,000).
Tom Lewis secured an NSF grant as PI (2021-24, \$119,972) and another NSF grant as Co-PI (2021-24, \$114,944).
Dan Yasaki secured a Simons Foundation grant (2021-26, \$42,000).
Yi Zhang secured an NSF grant as PI (2021-24, \$114,944), a Simons Foundation grant (2021-26, \$42,000), and another NSF grant as PI (2021-22, \$12,500).