
Asymptotic Geometry Meets Linear Optimization

Andrzej A. Nagorko

University of Warsaw


Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Virtual through Zoom
I'm assistant professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Warsaw. My research interests are artificial intelligence, geometric topology and geometric group theory.

Topology is concerned with local properties of spaces, which can be observed in small balls whose diameters tend to zero. Asymptotic geometry is concerned with global invariants of metric spaces that can be observed in complements of large balls whose diameters tend to infinity.

I will talk about analogies between topology and asymptotic geometry. I’ll show applications of the latter in such diverse branches of mathematics as topology, group theory and language theory.

I will present recent results (joint work with G. C. Bell) about applications of linear programming duality to Property A, which is one of flagship invariants of asymptotic geometry. These results have both theoretical and computational components and show connection between Property A, expanders and Cheeger constant from graph theory.